Category: Hunting

  • Appreciating the Importance of Hunting to the Environment

    To achieve hunting success, there are three main components which must be present; first and foremost you need to have proper equipments such as a rifle, a set of binoculars and proper clothing. Make sure you buy the correct equipment and in the case of rifles, make a point of buying bulk ammunition so as to…

  • Tips When Trying To Hunt Down Deers

    There is a lot of flustering involved when trying to hunt down deers. There is quite a lot of hype in regards to hunting down deers because of how they look and the memorabilia involved with hunting down deer. Unfortunately, the difficulty involved with hunting down deer is not easy, and there is plenty of…

  • Tips When You’re Hunting in the Forest

    When you’re beginning to start hunting with friends and family, you really need to consider thinking about several different things. You not only need the right ammo, but you need the right gun. You also need to know how to be prepared incase something were to come after you in the forest. There are all…

  • Hunting Whitetail Deer

    Hunting Whitetail Deer

    Hunting Whitetail Deer Hunters in North America have generations of experience in hunting whitetail deer. Deer are hunted with handguns, rifles, bow and arrows, muzzleloaders, and even cameras. People hunt deer for food and for sport. Whitetails are the most common deer in the U.S., although their size can differ by region. They roam the…

  • Best Bear Hunting Ammo

    Hunting bear is a matter of choice: either you intend to go out into the woods to hunt bear or you encounter one unexpectedly. The latter will certainly take you by surprise and you’d better be prepared. If you’re headed out into the woods, know what you’re up against before you even leave the house.…

  • North America’s Big 5 Trophy Hunts

    Everyone knows about Africa’s big five—African lion, African elephant, Cape buffalo, African leopard, rhinoceros—but here in North America, we’ve got our own big five trophy hunts. Sure, there’s not rhinos, but if you’ve ever come across a grizzly sow with cubs, you know she’s no tame kitten. If you’re an American hunter, these five big…

  • How I Reluctantly Became A Hunter

    Hunting has always been in my family line. My grandfather was a keen hunting enthusiast and my dad also followed in his footsteps. I must say that the love for shooting prey has never interested me. Coming from a wooded area, my dad made his best efforts at converting me to a hunter but soon…

  • Disadvantages of Gun Hunting

    Gun hunting has become very popular in recent years and that is the reason why most people own guns. Some people believe that they can become better hunters by using guns but that is not necessarily the case. Gun hunting should be done by trained people because unethical use of firearms can be very dangerous.…

  • Shooting A Deer While Hunting Is Easier When You Know What To Do

    Shooting and killing a deer is always a hard thing to accomplish, but you do need to know how to properly out your time in the hunting so that you kill more deer. There are several different hunting techniques you could use to increase your chances at killing more deer naturally. In this article, you’ll…

  • Hunting Tips – How to Hunt More Effectively and Kill More

    Hunting Tips – How to Hunt More Effectively and Kill More

    Trying to kill a deer or any other animal is not an easy task. In fact, it could be awhile before you ever hunt something down easily. It could take a lot of practice, patience, and plenty of work in order to ever see results. Hunting is tough to do, but with a little bit…